Monday, April 29, 2013

day 4

     Last night went well.  No side effects yet...unless I'm getting confused.  Still have all my hair.  The chick that does my bags could be more organized and less like the person in the labyrinth that tries to get what's her face to forget about her brother and play with her dolls.  Don't get me wrong, this woman has been here 7 years and I'm sure she knows what she's doing but I prefer someone who is confident and precise when getting bubbles out of lines and changing out bags.  She also spilled fluid on my flip flop.  Do I trust her that it was just saline or am I stepping into chemo shoe? My first night everything was on time, no complications switching out bags, no air in lines, everything went smoothly.  One of my girls that night was in training so had more reason to stay on top of treatment I think.

    Now for breakfast! I'll spare you the's pretty much the same.  I need me some dunkin donuts.

     Dealing with insurance is a joke.  You think they could help a girl out in her time of not wanted to jump through hoops because that would cause wires to get tangled that lead into her chest.  It's a good thing I have the time and, for now, the patience.

     I went to the art studio and made a crane with a wish inside. I'm either supposed to make 1000 cranes or just look at the one I made 1000 times to get the wish.  Here it is

mine is the brown one

I think I'll look 1000 Mr Bing can't stand to be away from our floor for too long.


  1. I am coming and I will bring you dunkin donuts if that is what you want!

  2. Love the crane! Mr. Bing needed to be dressed up a bit! Lol

  3. I wish I could come hang out. Keep you company and take over the nursing care! Hope your day gets better. Love ya!

  4. So now you start a log that every time u look at crane you make a check. Then count the checks!! 1000 that could pass some serious time!!
