Friday, April 26, 2013

Hello and welcome

     So this is new for me.  I've never written a blog.  My hope is that I will be able to write something everyday, even if it is just one bad word, to keep everyone as up to date as they want to be.  So to start, for those who may not be in the know, I had some symptoms that prompted me to get a CT scan and they found a mass on my kidney.  It did not show signs of being cancer but it needed to come out regardless.  Turns out it was cancer and even though all of my scans have come back negative, chemo is still going to happen as a precaution.

     How am I feeling about this?  This sucks! Everything was going swimmingly up until 1 week ago.  I was looking forward to going back to work and getting on with it...6 weeks is too long to be off.  Through this entire ordeal, I have felt no pain.  The surgery was a piece of cake, I healed quickly and my surgeon even asked if I had gone back to work (obviously I had not because he would have been the one to say it was OK).  So here Jeremy and I are waiting for the new doctor to tell us his thoughts on my unique situation and he comes at us with, not just some pills as a 'just in case' but a full fledged chemo treatment...29 weeks if everything stays on schedule which it almost always does not.  I'm not going back to work until next year! I'm angry.  Shit happens though and you have to deal with it.  You can sit around being angry and uncooperative or you can suck it up, accept it and do everything you can to make it go smoothly and stay on track.  That's my plan.

    I am lucky though.  The people who surround and support me are amazing.  I had no idea I was that special.  I feel like with all that love and support I can do anything.  It's still gonna suck along the way but what's total hair loss and fatigue in the grand scheme of things...not much.

  Thank you just doesn't quite express my gratitude.

     So since finding out last Thursday that our life will never be the same, I have gone to a water park (and almost died on a ride), bought a wig, donated my hair, got a cute haircut, received many well wishes and love, had a port put into my chest, fainted (which led to my first ride in an ambulance and experience in the ER...everything is fine) and now I am waiting for a bed to spend the next 5 days in...let the adventure begin.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love the cut Megs! So happy about your naturally positive attitude. You will do fabulous and be like a rock star along the way!

  3. We're all here to cheer you on, sweet niece!! :-) So glad they're going full speed ahead with the precautionary chemo, even though it's definitely inconvenient. So glad too that you set up this blog. On the 'one word' days, we'll all understand and we'll just wait around for your better day to show up again. ;-) Tell Jeremy and your Mom Hi for us. Love you, Megan! :-)
