Tuesday, April 30, 2013


     I have spent the last 5 hours watching hgtv...color splash to be specific.  I've learned nothing about design.  I think some of my hair might be falling out or it could be the normal amount I lose when I wash my hair.  We will find out.
     One more day and I get to go home!  Jeremy has done so much to get everything ready for me...he probably went over board but at least I don't have anything to worry about germ wise.
We have dogs today at 1230-2.  That will be nice.  Maybe more art stuff.  I have to pick up scripts today, so I am ready to leave asap tomorrow!

     This is one of the dogs I met today.  They were all very old and lacked energy which I suppose is good for these sessions.  You don't want a slobbery dog jumping all over you.  Although I wouldn't mind a dog more like the Moose.  Da Moose!  Miss her.  This is a group of retirees that bring their pups to brighten a day or two.  It is a good thing they are doing but it is kind of sad that all the dogs are either blind or losing hearing, etc.  Something about seeing a living thing in the process of deteriorating doesn't leave me with a happy feeling.  Oh well, the poodle was cute.  I'll be seeing my perfect sir and crazy charlie soon enough.

     I feel very accomplished now.  I have all my scripts in order...hoping I don't have to take all of them but we'll see.  I don't like drugs.  I guess I still have to talk to someone about if it is as needed or just take at a regular interval regardless.  They are giving me stuff for nausea and something else that causes nausea.  I know it is all to help me through but I'd prefer a few less chemicals running through my body simultaneously interfering with each other.

     Jeremy set up a bunch of video games on his laptop for me to play.  I think I shall start some old school games now while I wait for dinner and then a sprinkling of pre meds. I did not get a nap in like I usually do but I did waste alot of time this morning so I probably don't need one.



  1. Home will be nice!! Good hand washing now esp the next 1-2 weeks. You can check this session DONE!!

  2. I will shave my head to match yours gladly. We can be beautiful together.

  3. Moose misses you. I promise I will bring her back for a visit!

  4. You are so strong Megan! I just love your mom's comments too! Thank you for allowing me to more easily access your blog. Love ya!
