Saturday, April 27, 2013

     Alright, first night not bad at all. I got a total of 5 hours sleep (not my usual 8 but I felt well rested), no weird reactions besides some hot pins and needles with the steroid.  I find it interesting how the body reacts to certain traumas.  The nurse had to push a push pin type needle into my chest and I didn't feel a thing. Hope this doesn't freak anyone out to hear all the crap that goes on but it is what i have to talk about so...

     Busy day! breakfast at 8

lunch at 12 complete with a traditional watson dish...

dinner at 5

cottage cheese and applesauce

 a few phone calls, many text message, a nap and a walk

with my new walking partner...Mr. Bing

now some tv while I wait for pre chemo meds at 8 and chemo at 9-12...going to be a fun night.


  1. if there is anyone I missed inviting to this, please have them email me their address. I`m not open to the world, just family and friends.

  2. do u go home between treatments?

    1. cycle 1 - I spend in the hospital for 5 nights (that's what I'm on now and started Fri) and after I have to come back daily for an injection until 2 Friday's from now. cycle 2 starts in 2 Friday's - outpatient treatment that I get to go home afterwards. I come back the next day for an injection that will last until cycle 3 (same as 1,we basically start over) which is the 9th. So every other Friday I chemo.

  3. Keep smiling baby girl I am on my way. We can puzzle till you can't puzzle anymore.xoxox

  4. Megan, you look great!! I really like your hair cut, you will have a perfect shaped head to be bald. Some adorable scarves and earrings and you will be all set. Yes chemo sucks but having a positive attitude and humor will help!! Mr. Bing is a perfect name for those pumps. The food doesn't look to bad either. Thanks for setting up this blog, it will be great to follow you on this journey. There will be speed bumps along the way, but you have lots of support and unending prayers for you and Jeremy to get through this. My mantra--Every day is a gift, each one wrapped a bit differently. Open each one with care.
    Sending you all positive mojo!!

  5. you are beautiful.....funny also!

  6. You are beautiful!! Keep that pretty got this!!

  7. Your wonderful sense of humor and strong spirit will get you through this! We can't wait to see you......a little island therapy is in order!
