Monday, February 3, 2014

Cold cold cold

     Having a great time hanging out with family.  We went over to my brothers house and watched Eisley be as cute as a button. We played dress-up, went out to eat, played cards and saw ducks on the ice cold water.  We went to the car wash and it turns out it was the first time my grandma had ever been in an automatic car wash...I don't know if I believe that but thought it was interesting.  Dad went off to work but ended up getting off work early and we watched tv together, played ping pong and video games until 2:30am!  Oh and I just remembered, my hair is falling out again.  I was drying my head with a towel and noticed some hair on it.  I went ahead and tested it by pinching a bunch of hair and pulling and it all came out really easy.  So that's lame.  My eyebrows are holding on though...that's all I care about.  I'll forego the modesty and say I think I have beautiful eyes and the surrounding hair is key to their beauty.

     Tomorrow is cousin time.  I hear Josh is preparing a Detroit lunch for his Florida cousin.  I can't wait!  This guy can cook.  I love seeing his Facebook posts of the stuff he cooks.  His daughter eats better than any kid I know.  She is so cute.  Can't wait to see her too.

     Ducks on the river...

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