Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Back in sunny FL

     I had a great visit to MI.   I got to spend some quality time with my family and caught up with a few friends as well.  There were a few mishaps and nights where I just could not fall asleep but it was ok because I was up when dad got off of work and we got to hang out a bit before he went to bed.  My flight back was a joke.  We woke up super early to get there just to find out it had been delayed by 5 hours.  I could kick myself for not checking before we left.  When I checked in for my flight the day before it was on time.  I know it is my responsibility to check but I feel like they could send an email to those that gave their email if the delay is that significant.  Then when I got on the flight, I sat between a married couple.  The woman wanted the window seat, was already sitting there and I didn't really care so I let her have it.  A few times they talked back and forth or handed something over me and the kid behind me was giving me a nice back massage (read with sarcasm).  I turned around and said something, politely, to her.  I then realized she wasn't little at all and with the way Spirit has squished seats together to make more money...she may not be able to help it.  I had dropped my phone and could not reach it with my hand due to the seat in front of me and my neighbors chest.  I had to use my feet to bring it up to my hands.  This is why you either don't fly spirit or you pay for the big front seat.  For the delay they gave me a $50 voucher (which I have yet to find in an email or online account) and a $14 meal voucher.  So now I am inclined to fly spirit again...yippy.

     Just got back from the gym.  My first session in the livestrong program.  There were about 6 people in the group, all older, mostly breast cancer.  We were shown 4 machines today and did 1 set of 10 reps on each.  I'm not sure what I was expecting but I ended up staying and doing all but 3 machines and then 10 minutes on the elliptical.  I want to see how my body reacts to what I did and then go from there.  I just finished lunch...tuna fish and quinoa/rice blend.  I'm going to start recording my intake in myfitnesspal.  That seemed to be the one thing that worked for me whenever I would "diet".  It wasn't about taking something out of the diet but being aware of how much was going in and when you know the "cost" of a certain food or treat (caramel latte, snickers bar, etc) you are less likely to choose to have it based on it's "value".  At least that is how my brain works.  It's just like money...if you are not paying attention to how much is being spent and earned, soon you will be in debt and have a crappy body score which has an effect on everything in your life. 

     I wish I would have taken more pictures.  If anyone has pics from my visit, send them to me please.  Here is one from Logan and Eisley's baptism.  Unfortunately, the family pic didn't turn out well due to lighting issues.

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