Wednesday, February 5, 2014


     Had a nice day yesterday.  Grandma, mom and I went to my cousin Josh's house.  Becky and Aunt Mary came over.  We had lunch and conversation ranging from family heirloom rocks to acquiring pint glasses.  Claire was as cute as ever and I immediately fell in love with Abby, the new dog.  Christine got me the coolest sloth socks!  We headed home before the snow was set to start.  Then I hit my big, dumb head on a shelf...hard enough to cause a bump.  Grr!  I called the on call doc to see if I needed to go in.  Of course she says yes.  So at 11pm mom and I head to Henry Ford on 19 mile.  The snow has started.  We get there about 11:30...didn't get home until 5am!  Took 30 minutes to get me in a room, another 30 for 4 different people to come ask whats wrong, an hour for someone to come in and get labs which will take 45 to get the results + the time it takes for someone to let you know.  My platelets are 3 points below what the doc wanted them at.  I initially refuse the cat scan, wanting to talk to my doc first, and we wait for discharge.  30 minutes later a nurse comes in to take me to CT.  I tell him what's up and he goes to check the orders.  I find him find say let's just do the scan.  He takes me right away and the scan the 10 minutes at most.  Wait another 60 minutes for results...everything looks good.  20 more until we are discharged.  30 drive home all because I bumped my head.  ugh...apparently we are not out of the woods.  Oh and since my platelets were low I bled through the bandage right on to my favorite sweater.

     Just got home from lunch with my good friend, Noreene.  We went to Olgas Kitchen...yum! Best pita bread and you can't get Olga snackers anywhere else.  It was great to catch up.  Now it is time for a nap! I don't do well on 4 hours sleep.

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