Saturday, September 14, 2013

Excellent day

     Yesterday was awesome.  It was a little hot but we found a place in the shade and laid our towels down.  The music was good, the people watching was great, good food, good prices (except for the margaritas).  I had no idea some of the fashion that's in right now.  I saw one person last night with the flower ring around her head that was old enough to actually have been a hippy back in the 70s.  Everyone else...short shorts with heavy/tall boots(way too hot for all that nonsense).  That was the majority.  I saw one punk rocker.  Also a crazy hoola hoop girl totally wacked like 3 people in her expressive art form of dancing with a hoop.  How are blankets not allowed but giant hoola hoops are?  My phone died early so I have no pictures.

     More to come...stayed tuned (my phone is fully charged!)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, be careful I know some hippies now. Free love and flower power....what a fun decade it was!
