Sunday, September 22, 2013

    I had a nice surprise yesterday.  Early yesterday, at the hospital, the doctor came in and told me my white blood count wasn't good enough to be sent home and they may need to keep me a few more days.  This was day 3 so I'm pretty ready to go home.  A couple hours later, the doc comes in again and asks 'how would you like to go home today'.  I said 'that would be swell'.  Turns out she was looking at my counts from the day before.  A friend of a friend is a pharmacist for the hospital and she caught it.  I am so glad someone on the inside is watching out for me.  There are a lot of patients and I understand things get overlooked (hopefully not the major stuff).  I got out pretty fast too.  From the time the doc said I could go and when I actually walked out the door was only a few hours.

     So here is how it went down...Thursday checked into the DRC at 8pm.  I was told they could not move me upstairs because they did not have a bed.  This was not a problem for me as I was quite comfortable in the bed they had in the DRC.  Plus my night nurse was cool.  Jeff was from Detroit, likes Led Zeppelin and had a tell it like it is attitude and did not take forever getting the meds I needed.  So the next morning they say they are just waiting for a bed upstairs again.  This doesn't happen, which is still fine with me.  My day nurse is cool.  Jorge gave me this pill that immediately made me nauseous, which has never happened before.  I told him how I felt and he gave me another medicine that immediately made the nausea disappear and put me to sleep.  That was a bonus because you don't really sleep well in a hospital at night.  I was so surprised by how quickly everything came on and went away.  As he was saying this may make you sleepy, I was falling asleep.  I was also trying to text a friend at the time.  It took forever to finish the message because I kept closing my eyes.  The message never did send.  Apparently, there is a lot of lead on the main floor and it ruins cell signal.  I had to email Jeremy with my kindle on the hospitals wifi to reach him.  I could receive messages, just couldn't reply.  Anyways, I spend the day in the same little room.  About 2 am some nurses come in to move me.  I thought it was more like 5am but I had trouble reading the clock that early and quickly from sleeping.  I still don't understand how this happened.  Was someone really released in the middle of the night?  Either way, per protocol, the nurse had to ask me a gazillion questions to check me into the floor.  She felt bad about having to keep me up but I didn't really care.  I found the constant apologies more annoying then just getting down to business.  Everyone was really sweet though.  I had another nurse, Julie that has taken care of a coworker a few years ago and her daughter goes to our summer camps.  Next year I'm going to try to help her with doing an overnight camp.  This kid sounds really interested in animal behavior and not just cute animals.  Those are the good ones.  They see past the cute and cuddly and have a genuine interest in learning the nature of it.  Julie sat with me the whole time I was getting platelets just shooting the poop.  I don't know if she has to stay during transfusion but I enjoyed our conversation and at the end of it I ended up getting released so pretty cool.

     Keeping it low key the rest of the weekend.  I'm still low and my treatment next week will probably be pushed back a week.  Just the way it goes now.

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