Friday, September 27, 2013

Busy busy

     I love clean wrinkles, fresh smell, NO CAT HAIR!  Charlie is being a spaz again.  Jumped up on the bed on top of Jeremy's face.  Not a pleasant way to wake up.  That was about 5am...didn't really get back to sleep after that.

     I've been keeping busy this week...dry cleaners, laundromat, staples, Joanns, CVS, etc. My dear friend, Shelley is coming down from South Carolina tonight.  She has to leave Sunday.  She is going to spend 14 hours driving to spend a little more than 24 hours with me.  I wish she could stay longer but such is life.  I can't wait to see her.

     I should be going in next week for treatment number 9.  My platelets were too low yesterday so we will see what they look like Tuesday.  It would have messed up my weekend plans anyways.  My white count is good so I can eat care free this weekend.  My nurse forgot to call admitting to let them know.  Admitting called at 10:30pm to see if I still wanted to come in...are you kidding!  That would mean maybe I would be checked in by midnight.  When would they start chemo? That just seems ridiculous to me.  I guess admitting doesn't know what goes on upstairs.  Who got discharged late enough that the room wasn't available until 10:30?  Either way it's lame.

     Helped some friends move today.  It was nice getting a little exercise that has a purpose.     Not that exercise for your health in a gym doesn't have a great purpose but it's nice to see something tangible at the end of it and not just a bunch of numbers on a screen (which are inaccurate most of the time).  It was also nice seeing people I haven't seen in too long and meeting some new folks too!

     When Jeremy got home he decided we should go out to eat.  We went to a new Mexican place nearby.  The fish tracks were delicious.  Jeremy's burrito...ridiculously huge!  He ate maybe half of it.  We also had drinks.  It was 2 for 1...bad idea.  I finished both dangerous but it has been a long time since I've had that much alcohol in one sitting.

     Howl o scream starts this weekend.  Good luck to all my BG peeps this season.  I hope I make it out one of the nights.  Shelley is almost here so I'm signing off.  good night:)

Love to all my family and friends back home.  Miss you all very much!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sitting here by the fire with the boys, Shawn, and dad. We are all missing you! Wish you were here!
