Thursday, September 19, 2013

well fudge

     It seems no matter how careful I am, sometimes bad things are bound to happen.  Last night my temp was highish but not go to the ER high.  With that information I laid around all day today and drank lots of fluids and ate soup.  Before my bath I checked my temp and it was high enough to call but I knew they would tell me to come in so I took my bath.  I was hoping it would go down but it did not, so I called and here I am.  Probably have to stay 2 nights as usual.  I'm pretty annoyed but what are you going to do...not a darn thing.  There are just some things we have no control over.

     Last night Mr Kitty was screwing around in the bathroom and knocked something over.  Today before running my bath I checked the tub for particles...I have to have a clean tub always and sometimes the cats get litter or fluff in it.  The tub looked spotless so I proceeded.  Once in I see something small floating.  It was definitely a section of an insect. Upon closer examination I found 2 tiny wings, 3 tiny legs, another unidentifiable section and what looked like a mosquito.  I was totally grossed out but remained in the tub placing all the pieces on the side of the tub.  I guess I know what Kitty was doing...eating and dismembering some type of bug.  yuck!

1 comment:

  1. Don't ya just hate things that are out of your control....Feel better and keep up the great attitude!!
