Thursday, September 5, 2013

It's been awhile

     So the latest news...I was scheduled for treatment number 8 on Tuesday but my platelets were too low.  My white count is good though.  What this means is I get a week off not having to worry about what I eat or being around crowds.  That is always nice, however, this puts me behind another week.  So my last treatment will be the second week of December.  Also, I have a concert coming up that I have been waiting all year for.  I bought the tickets before I knew I had to go through treatment and I have considered not going.  I've talked with my doctor and it should be ok.  If I have treatment the Tuesday before, my wbc should still be ok to be around crowds (I'm going to have labs done before I go to be sure) and then my only concern is being in the sun and staying hydrated.   Each person is allowed one sealed container of water...So technically I could bring a gallon.  That might be a bit much to carry around.  Shade is the other concern.  From photos, there doesn't appear to be any.  I'm waiting on a call back to see what my options are.  The FAQ states it is ADA accessible and I feel I fall under that.  They say there is a viewing area ADA.  You can not bring umbrellas, which is typical, but it also says no blankets...That was one of my shade options.  I do not understand the no blanket rule.  what are people supposed to sit on?  It is a two day festival...people are not going to stand for two days.  I guess you sit on the dirt.  Chairs are prohibited, which is not uncommon.  I'm looking into uv protective clothing but then there is the over heating issue.  I should just write Mumford and ask if I can sit with them ;) I better learn their names first...that would be rude to ask favours and not know their names.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a great idea!
    The band consists of Marcus Mumford, Ben Lovett, Winston Marshall, and Ted Dwane. I think you should talk to Marcus first. ;)
