Wednesday, September 18, 2013

    Sitting in the big chair, getting some blood.  It only takes 2 hours when you are not in for treatment.  When you are in it takes twice as long, if not longer.  The person next to me is getting arsenic.  That's crazy!  I am trying to avoid the chaplain by wearing headphones but not listening to anything.  She asks if you would like to talk and I would just feel rude saying not really.  But I really don't want to.  I know how the conversation would go and it just doesn't interest me at the moment.  She is gone.  I'd love to take a nap but the conditions are not good and I have to pee.


  1. You are so funny. She wont bother you if you tell her.Sorry you needed blood. That seems like a regular thing. Wish you could have mine. Do you need some company soon. They are working me to much here. I need some puzzle and Megan time soon.=)

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