Monday, December 16, 2013

I'm back

     I have not had access to something other than my phone for awhile, and that is a pain to blog from so I have lots to tell and pics to show.  Starting with the best part of the last few events, was seeing my family during my nieces birthday party.  My sister in law sent me an invitation to the party, which we all know I can't attend, but on the back she wrote to reserve some time between 3-6 to video chat.  She put me on the tv and I could see everyone in the living room.  I watched Eisley open presents and blow out her candle.  It was such a great idea and I wish we had been doing that all year!  Here's some pics

     It was a great way to spend some time with my family.


  1. That's really cool Megan. It does look like a nice way to connect with family.

  2. That's really cool Megan. It does look like a nice way to connect with family.

  3. Megan, we Love you!!!! I didn't see this til now, I was just catching up with older posts and here it is!!! How sweet! That was wonderful, and we can do it again whenever you like. Everyone loved seeing you, it was like you were with us on the big screen.
