Starting treatment any minute now. Actually, I'm not sure what's going on. I think they forgot about me. I am in my chair and haven't seen anyone for 20 minutes. I lucked out this time...private room with bathroom! I did not luck out on lunch however...
Doc says if my counts are not good on the 17th for my next treatment we can wait until January 2nd for treatment so I don't have to be in the hospital the week of Christmas. He actually was about to give me the option of just waiting but I want to get this done. I've got to get back to work sooner rather than later! He also said the last few treatments are not as important as the first and that if my kidney values are not good, sometimes they knock off the last treatment. That is rare though so not getting my hopes up...I'd rather have good kidney values and have to go through all the treatments anyways. My wish is all my organs hold up and are as strong at the end as they were coming into this.
Ok, it's time to find someone and get some a nice way :) This is getting to be ridiculous.
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