Monday, January 27, 2014

It's official

     I gave myself my last shot over the weekend.  Now I'm done.  I don't have a problem with needles but those shots hurt.  Glad to be done with them.  So the focus of this blog will turn to getting healthy and I need your help.  If you have advice, I'd like to hear it.  It's time to change eating habits and start seriously exercising again.  The Y has a live strong program I'm going to check out.  I'm also leaning towards a paleo-like meal plan.  I don't like the idea of cutting out an entire food group, but I also recognize the benefits of eating fresh food.  So I've got the knowledge, just need to implement it.  It'd be great to form some good habits before I go back to work and get "too busy" to make healthy choices.  What is the healthiest thing you do for yourself, that you think everyone should do?

can't wait to get rid of this container!

1 comment:

  1. Dr Oz Has a eating plan that seemed really good. Cut out the flours..bread pasta and stuff made with flour. Cut out Sugar and artificial sweeteners since our brain is not wired for that kind of chemical . Start your day with a hot cup of water with lemon. The lemon jump starts your metabolism. Green Tea instead of coffee and cut out dairy,milk cheese only use greek yogurt
