Thursday, January 30, 2014

Remember when...

     So last post I mentioned my platelets were low.  My nurse asked that I do labs again today to see that they are on the rise and I don't need additional platelets before my trip.  Turns out my platelets are good but my neutrophils dipped...low.  I'm at 440, they would like me to be at 1000.  I can feel the thing that I usually feel right before I end up in the hospital with a fever and there is no stopping it.  My hope is that I do not get a fever but if I do that I at least get to MI first and can then spend a few days in the hospital there.  Of course, I'd rather not waste any of my time in a hospital in MI but I would prefer more not to waste the money spent on the ticket and I just want to go home and see my family. GRRR!  I can't believe I let this happen.  I feel like a jerk. 

     On a lighter note, I spoke with a lady from Arts in Medicine about classes and I will more than likely take a few of hers to see if there is some other creative medium I would like, like sculpting or something.  I also found out coursera offers free courses on a butt load of stuff so I signed up for some animal behavior and disease prevention through nutrition.  Wish I would have known about this a year ago.  Not that I would have done anything about it.  I really didn't do a whole lot of productive activities this past year, whether or not they were at my disposal.  Usually I would feel really bad about myself for something like that...wasted time and all but I honestly don't care that I was lazy and unambitious.  I'm just glad that year is behind me.

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