Monday, January 13, 2014

Bird, bird, bird...gator

     On a walk today, I saw an osprey with a big ole fish and a squirrel with a mushroom.  I saw a Robin and a Blue Jay, 2 Sandhill Cranes, Great White Heron, Wood Stork, Cormorant, Anhinga, Blue Heron, Ibis and an alligator.  So my walk for exercise turned into watching the wildlife for an hour.

     Tomorrow is the moment of truth.  I'm going in early for blood work and will come back for my doctors appointment.  I really feel that I will have no hold ups on my end for this last treatment.  The hospital on the other hand...they had my treatment listed as outpatient this time when it is supposed to be inpatient.  I got a call today that they were waiting on approval from my case manager for treatment.  I got that all settled so shouldn't be a problem.  I'm sure I'll be waiting on a bed for a day or two...I really hope not though.  Or they won't call until really late and I'll be getting my treatments at 2am or something.  I think as a rule the last one can not go smoothly.  I am mentally prepared for whatever "oopsies" they make and look forward to the end.

Kitties don't want me to go to the hospital

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