Wednesday, January 29, 2014

     So I started the live strong program at the YMCA yesterday.  They just did an assessment, which she was "impressed" with my results.  It actually starts next week, which I will miss because I will be in MI.  It's ok though because my body will be working overtime to keep itself warm while in MI.  That's how that works right :-p?  Anyways, basically it's like having a personal trainer for 12 weeks for free.  We meet twice a week but I have full access to the Y on days we don't meet.  So that's another perk to cancer. 

     I had a bit of a scare earlier this week, well yesterday I guess.  I will spare you the gross details.  The thing that had happened in the past that caused me to go to the hospital between treatments, happened yesterday.  I called the nurse to see if there was anyway I could avoid going to the hospital should I spike a fever and she said no.  If you get an infection you need IV antibiotics...pills aren't enough.  So I went in to get blood work done to see where my counts were at.  Grant was there getting his outpatient treatment so I stayed and chit chatted with him and his dad for 4 hours.  I got my results back today and everything is good, except my platelets (which doesn't bother me at all so won't keep me from flying).  I'm going in tomorrow to see where my platelets are and if they are rising they won't make me get a transfusion.  I'm leaning towards not getting them regardless.  I'm not bruising or bleeding so I don't see the point in risking a reaction before my trip, should I get a transfusion.  They agreed but still want to see where I'm at.

     I also went for a massage old groupon I had about to expire.  I really need to check into these places before I buy.  This guy was weird.  He has videos on youtube advertising his services and he totally creeps me out.  So I try to set up this appointment a few weeks ago and he says, "the next available appointment for groupon users is..." blah blah.  I'm thinking what makes a groupon user any different from a regular client.  I know the answer to that but if you want to keep me as a client, you better treat me with the same respect as a regular client.  Anyways, left a bad taste in my mouth.  So finally get it scheduled and go to the is a tiny, tiny room that you can barely walk around the bed.  The sheet reminded me of one from the 80's that my brother had on his bed.  Just seemed like everything was just thrown together with whatever was lying around.  He pressed way too hard and so I asked him to go easier which he did for a little bit.  He was skimpy with the oil so that was uncomfortable and when he would finish with an arm he would kind of throw it down.  Oh, the worst part was he would use his full forearm at times and I could feel his arm hair and I'm just thinking this guys arm hair is falling out and sticking to the oil that is on my back.  I was totally grossed out and am finding myself re-grossed out.  EW! was just not a good experience.  I think I will stick to the ladies and the chain massage parlors and look at more than just the price and location of future groupons!

That is all.


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