Sunday, January 19, 2014

Last day

     Jeremy brought yummy celebratory cupcakes last night.  It was a nice evening of squished in the hospital bed watching movies.  I'm gonna miss that part of it. 
     My first estimate for getting out of here is 3.  We shall see.  I was asked if I got a flu shot. I did not but it was recommended that I do since we are the peak of the season and I'm looking at traveling soon to a very cold area.  I'll have to talk to Dr Reed first.  I've never had one so I'm a little apprehensive.  Ive also never gotten the flu and have been against the shot but now not so sure.  I would hate for something to happen after all of this. 
Pretty good last meal from the hospital...chicken pot pie.
Last hospital bed snuggle picture.  I'll miss snuggling and watching tv like this.

     We got out at 3, as promised.  We went up to the 5th floor to ring the bell since that was where my best nurses were.  I only recognized 2 but had seen the other ones I like earlier in the week.  Grant and his mom had decorated the bell for me with balloons and she even bought me a present....a Vera Bradley lunch bag for when I go back to work.  Very sweet of her.  There were hugs and kisses (Jeremy only) and pictures and clapping.  It was a nice send off. I just wish Grant was done too.  It's kind of bittersweet to be happy for someone being done but also wishing you were the one who is done.  I hope we keep in touch.  He is a nice guy.  



  1. I'm so glad you are finally done! I can't wait till you're here in michigan! We all miss and love you!

  2. Congratulations! We're are all so very happy to see this end.
