Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Been awhile

     Sorry for the lack of posting lately.  I've been distracted and wanted to wait until I had pictures to post from a friend.  So I'll pick up with Friday.  I went to a coworkers bachelorette party in Ybor.  We stopped at TBBC for a beer before heading to Hamburger Mary's for the Drag show.  It was "vampire chic" themed event to explain all the black and some weird looking eyes.  It was a great time.  That is where I had my bachelorette party after our rehearsal dinner.  Bethany was smart however and is not getting married until next week so no hangovers for her wedding day.  Luckily, I had my cousin Becky with me the next day come to my rescue with some medicine that made me feel better...never mix beer and liquor.  She also did my make up which I'm terrible at...save number 2.  Anyways, by the time we got to Mary's I was hungry.  I pick out a burger that has some low WBC approved vegetables (cooked onion and mushroom).  It's called "Queen Mary".  It took forever to get to the table and when it did my jaw fell open.  The waiter said something that made me think they did something special for me and I'm thinking no thank you while looking at this monstrous 2 patty burger.  Apparently, everyone around me insisted I said Proud Mary and not Queen Mary.  So my $9 burger was actually $15.


     Saturday, Jeremy and I did our usual shopping for the week and breakfast out.  We were driving by one of the retention ponds near our place and I saw two animals that appeared to be standing up on their back legs.  Without my glasses on I thought they were otters (we have seen 1 since moving into the area).  I say "pull over so we can get a closer look at the beavers".  I must have said the word beaver 3 times but in my mind I meant and was saying otters.  Know wonder he was confused.  They turned out to be ducks anyway...chemo brain incident #2.  A few other things like that happened this weekend (not as funny, so I don't remember them...surprise, surprise).

     Yesterday, I made lasagna in the crock pot.  It was not as good as the chick that made us lasagna at the beginning of my treatment (Jeremy's coworkers wife filled our freezer with homemade meals and they were delicious!) but Jeremy said he liked it so I'll take it.  Next time I'll probably just do it in the oven (I was home all day yesterday anyway).  I feel like crock pots are for when you aren't going to be home but I do have a tendency to leave the kitchen while cooking so I suppose for me a crock pot is a smart idea every time. 

     This is my pasta eating outfit so I don't get sauce all over my shirt.  If it is red sauce, even if I'm being careful, it inevitably ends up on my white shirt.  And I always seem to end up wearing white when I'm cooking/eating pasta.  My Aunt Mary had this apron made for me a long time ago.  The story behind it...I love clam chowder and have since I was little.  The family was out to dinner and I ordered the soup and someone asked about me liking fish.  I said that I did not (fish was so gross back then, swimming with their poop...I had even seen a goldfish eat it's own poop once, so I would not touch fish).  That's when it was pointed out that the clam in my chowder was from the ocean too to which I replied, "Clams!  I thought they said ham!" which wasn't actually true.  I knew it said clam, but it tasted like ham so I assumed it was ham and that clam was just some unrelated word they called the chowder, like pigs in a blanket...there is neither pigs nor blankets in that dish.  In any event, I think I did stop eating clam chowder for a little while.  I guess I was derping it way back then too...can't blame that on chemo brain :p

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