Thursday, November 14, 2013

WTH Moffitt

     My dinner came minus one very important piece of cake that I was going to share with my husband in celebration of my brothers birthday.  Earlier, I got a note on tomorrows menu saying they switched to a carb counting system rather than a calorie counting system.  It also said my carbs should be spread out and add up to 5 for each meal.  It also said something about controlling blood sugar.  Sure, no problem I say.  Then I get my dinner and there is no cake because it pushed my total carb count up to 6...1 carb over.  Only if they knew that I couldn't eat the bun on the burger because it was rock hard and I did not eat my chicken sandwich at lunch because it was too dry and no one could find a packet of mustard.  I am disgruntled.

this is angry eyebrows face sans eyebrow do you know my level of displeasure.

birthday popsicles instead. 

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