Tuesday, November 26, 2013

     Well it's almost been a week since my last blog.  I don't even know what I've done since last Wednesday.  I've played a lot of video games.  Actually, I've played one video game.  Some of you may recall a Facebook post about Fire Emblem.  I have restarted that game for a few reasons...I would like to beat the black knight and have strong characters for the sequel game.  This game is on the game cube.  You can save your completed game and upload it into the wii somehow.  This would make some of the characters that show up in the sequel extra awesome.  I couldn't take the last game I finished because I played it on easy mode.  You have to beat the game on normal mode for the transfer to work.

     Speaking of video games, I'd like to voice my displeasure with the Nintendo industry.  Last year they came out with wiiU as the latest console.  That's fine, however, they have stopped making the cool games for regular wii.  You can buy a wiiU $300 and play regular wii games on it but what about game cube games (like the game I'm currently playing)?  They have 3 new Mario bros games and they are going to come out with a fire emblem game soon.  I'm sure a zelda game is on it's way too.  lt's a vicious, expensive cycle.  If you have kids that haven't started playing video games yet...don't start.  Of course, when I go back to work I will have a lot less time to play.  That will either annoy me or be just fine.  Only time will tell.

     Looking forward to Thanksgiving.  Brian, Tatiana, Jeremy and I are going to TBBC.  They have a really nice turkey day dinner and of course good beer and we don't have to do the dishes or the cooking.  Sounds good to me!  We might even do some shopping.  Jeremy has a 4 day weekend.  I feel like we should be going somewhere or doing something special but we have nothing planned other than dinner.  Maybe we will hit St Pete or Dunedin this weekend.  I guess it all hinders on the results of this appointment I'm waiting on.  If my counts are good, I'll get my 12th treatment today.  I don't think they will be but we will see.  I also get the results of my latest scan.  I fully expect it to be clear.


  1. You guys should go check out Safety Harbor if you are wanting to check out a new area.
