Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I'm in

Labs are good and treatment 11 is underway.  I got a call at 12:30 saying my bed is ready.  I didn't show up until 4 though.  It's 9 now and I'm still waiting for the pharmacy to send up premeds and the chemo.  I would love an explanation of what goes on down there in pharmacyland. At 5 I had the doctor check when chemo would be ready and that the steroid comes in a bag and not a syringe.  He didn't give me a time for chemo but said the steroid was being changed because it wasn't right. 6:30 and still not sure about the chemo.  9 still waiting on chemo and they send up the steroid in a syringe.  Really? I want to shadow pharmacy for a day so that I can understand why nothing gets done timely or correctly the first time.  I want to be a forgiving patient but when you are dealing with such serious medication, you need to be on your A game 100% of the time.  No exceptions!

A new thing this week.  Someone from respiratory came by and will be coming by for 24 hours to check my oxygen. This is a first.  She asked if I had Oxygen at home, I said no. They had me down as might need it. She said as long as my levels are 90 and up, I won't need it. My oxygen levels have never been below 90. She said that's good, makes my job easier.  I'm thinking why are you even here...padding the bill or she got the wrong room.  The nurse that does my vitals checks the oxygen every time but now I have a second person coming in between the nurses visits to check the same vital? Makes a lot of sense.  One more person to chit chat with.

I enjoyed the hospitals finest vino earlier today...unfermented.

I apologize for any misspelled/misplaced words. I am typing this all out on my phone because the kindle is having issues with the WiFi here.  I am not going back through to proofread and fix any auto correct mistakes so have fun with that.  Maybe there will be a few funny ones in there.  I'm afraid if I don't stop noe, I will mysteriously lose everything I have written so far.  So good night.

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