Thursday, November 7, 2013

It's a no go

     I went in this morning for labs and it turns out my platelets are too low, so no chemo for memo.  We will try again Tuesday.  I can't say I'm upset about this.  Now that I know my white count is good, I will get to enjoy my weekend.  I see Casa Ramos fish tacos in my near future.  Maybe a movie with some popcorn.

     I've also started playing an old video game, Fire Emblem for GameCube.  I can spend far too much time playing this game.  Entire days wasted, breaking for only food and potties.  If only there was a way to set up my Wii in the hospital...but then I would never get up and walk around.

     While I was at the hospital today, I made a crane and a water colour painting.  Two gentlemen came in with a little baby and one of the guys kept the little one entertained by making Donald Duck noises.  It reminded me so much of my uncle Tim.  He used to be the best at that when I was little.  I absolutely loved it!  It's funny, because he also taught me how to play video games.  Specifically, how to strategize, share (graciously give up the controller when my turn was over), recognizing where a useful item might be hidden, etc.  I would like to dedicate this blog entry to my uncle Tim.  I always looked forward to our visits because you were the coolest uncle.  You also had that really cool car.

     Incidentally, that babies name was Logan and that made me smile :)

it's an aardvark!


  1. Love the painting. What a nice thing to say about your Uncle. Love you xoxoxox

  2. You are becoming quite the artist, what a beautiful picture.
