Tuesday, November 26, 2013

So no treatment (those darn platelets again...20 points shy) but my scan shows my insides are unremarkable.  That's a good thing.  My white blood cells are in the 2s, so I can have a salad at a restaurant and ice in my glass.  The best thing would have been to get treatment and stay on schedule.  The next best thing is having a week off with normal cell counts.  Once I left the hospital, I called up BG and went for a visit.  Amber took me in to see Kenya (serval).  I got some rubs but no head bonks.  I scratched some Zeny pits too.  I enjoy being there so much.  I can't wait to get back to work.  Later, I met up with J and one of his co-workers for dinner/drinks.  It was good to see her and catch up.  She's good people.  Now we are home.

     I had another incident at publix.  You know how you tend to keep running into the same people when you go up and down every aisle in a grocery store?  Well there was this lady...We politely acknowledged that we were in each other's way and moved on.  Two aisles down, I'm about to move on to the next one when this lady is heading right for me with her cart.  There is plenty of space for her to be on the other side of the aisle.  She gets her cart so close to mine that I am pinned between the shelf, her and the carts.  She gets so close to me and asks if I have breast cancer.  I must have given her a look because then she asked what type of cancer I had.  Why do people assume that it must be breast cancer? I know the answer to that.  Anyways, I tell her Ewings sarcoma and give no further explanation to which she gives me a look.  I'm slightly annoyed at her initial assumption and realize I'm not being the best person I can be in this situation.  So I tell her it's a bone cancer.  She tells me she had breast cancer (part of the reason she assumed that's what I had).  We compare port sites.  She tells me she will pray for me and I thank her for that.  We bump into each other at check out and she tells me she is serious about praying for me and she does not take that lightly.  I thank her again, sincerely.  I'm not about to try and explain my beliefs to her...That would take far too long.  I do appreciate anyone taking their own time to say a prayer for my health and well being, no matter what their beliefs.  I welcome everyone to put in a good word for me.  I am learning cancer survivors are a strange bunch.  I wonder what I'm going to be like.

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