Thursday, November 14, 2013

doing fine

    Last night's treatment went well, as usual.  Pretty lucky to not have side effects too worry about.  My night nurse is great, so I feel very confident in that if I fall asleep, I'm in good hands.  I've probably said it before but he just has his stuff together.  He comes in before machines start beeping.  Everyone else waits for the beeping, comes in to see what needs to be changed, goes back out to get whatever, more beeping ensues before they come back.  Kory knows what's next and he brings it with him when he can.  At 4am, he changed out a bag because it was going to go off in one hour and he didn't want it to wake me up. I really appreciate his thoughtfulness.  Most of the time the nurses rely on the machines to tell them their next step and don't really think about each individual in the room.  Everyone is of course very friendly when they come in but you can tell when you are their priority.  My entourage of doctors that come in all at once are very friendly.  I always wonder how that daily visit factors into the bill.  Literally, 7-10 white coats try and cram into my room, all smiles with one asking the questions..."how are you doing today" "do you need anything from us" "that animals do you work with".  My answer has always been "fine", "no" and "education animals".  I wonder what it would do to the bill if I only saw the necessary nurses and techs.

     Getting some extra blood today.  That means I can't leave my room for 4 hours.  I should have gone out to play yesterday but I decided to stay in bed and watch tv all day and nap.  I should be done by the time at opens at 2.

Here's a fun menu item...

We all know what the quotes around prime rib imply so anyone want to guess what kind of meat it could really be?

    Another random visit...apparently every 3 months they check the patients skin and today is that day, so I get checked.  Elbows, heels and tail bone.  everything looks good.  First time that has happened in the 8 months I've been doing this.  It doesn't seem like it's been that long.  Hmm, maybe time just flies...even when you are not having fun.

     Just watched a grey hound poop on the lawn and the volunteer picked it up  That's nice.  I should ask them to come up but then I'd have to chit chat with the person.  Maybe I'll just see them when I go down.  

Lunch time...

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