Monday, July 15, 2013

A great weekend

We had a really nice weekend!  Saturday, we discovered a really cool place to eat/hang out (thanks to groupon).  It has a regular bar feel with a nice outside tiki area and the menu was really interesting.  I had a chicken sandwich with brie and green apples on it and yummy sweet potato fries.  We will definitely be taking people there as they come to visit.  

Sunday, we met up with family and went down to St Pete.  I have not been there in probably a year.  It's such a cool place.  Lots of little shops and cool places to hang out.  A friend of ours is opening a brewery and he gave us the grand tour.  I can't wait until they open.  They have a great spot and they are taking the time and money to do it up right.  We ended up eating at Brews and BBQ...delicious!  We got home around 5 and that was it.  Food coma rendered us useless for doing anything else.  It was a good day.

Today, I'm just putzing around...maybe go to the store, get stuff together to see my doctor tomorrow, maybe trivia tonight.  We shall see.  Right now's price is right!

Charlie watches with me :)


  1. Beautiful pictures. I'm hanging out at home in recovery mode, but I don't think I can do the price is right. Im feeling really bored, wish we could watch some movies together. My friend came and took me out to buy a special bra at the cancer store cause my regular ones are killing me. I'm thinking of you everyday and wishing I could be there. Keep up the blogging its good to be able to follow you on your journey.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Free bird Aunt Mary...let em loose :) I'm glad everything went well. TV can be a terrible thing. You get sucked in and all of a sudden the day is gone. I watch HGTV mostly and tell myself it will help us when we are ready to buy a house. At least I might be learning a little something. I fill my time with books, watercolor and puzzles and now cooking. Would you like a kindle? I have one that I'm not using that is just for books...nothing fancy. It's yours if you want it.

    3. I have a nook but am having a hard time trying to read. I've been sewing, my underarm hurts and there is a large area of numbness but it feels good to do someyhing productve and now I have a new skirt.

      Tomorrow I get the pathology report on the nodes biopsy.

      Its good to be able to see your progress through the blog and know how you are progressing. Keep up the great attitude. we are all prsyibg for you.
