Sunday, July 7, 2013

game night

Jeremy says I should blog before I leave for game night so it's going to be a quicky.  This whole weekend has been great.  Jeremy made me dinner yesterday and breakfast again this morning!  I really do need to help out more with the cooking but I tend to do dumb things and ruin stuff.  I'm really good at doing the dishes though.  This morning I was scrubbing the dishes as he was cooking (I hate doing a pile of dishes, so I do then as they come).  I actually felt short of breathe from scrubbing (I also over scrub because I don't believe I can get them clean enough...that is not chemo related, I've always been like that).  That is one thing I do not miss about work.  A huge sink pulling over with dishes.  I would take gutting small mammals over a sink full of dishes any day!

Looking forward to seeing a bunch of friends tonight and playing some board games! Have to go get ready.  Here is my new scarf


  1. Like the new scarf. We all went to Becky's for her annual 4th party and fireworks. It's was spectacular as usual. Eisley was adorable all day she liked the tree swing. Joey was so full of energy and had a great time. Although I think they both miss their grandma a bunch. Gigi had a good time too except that Frankie talks to much. Glad your finding some time for fun. Take care

  2. Nice scarf.....hope you enjoy your time with your friends.

    Dishes??? No dishwasher besides you??... like automatic one?? You need to make that priority on your next move...and they usually have a sanitizer option. I'm like you I do dishes as I go along...comes from having no counter space for so long. Now I have counter but it is a habit.But I do use my dishwasher more.
