Thursday, July 11, 2013

Still working on going home

     Turns out the doctors like you to have a normal temp for 24 hours before they let you go.    We shall see what happens.  My temp was 99.7 last night so...yikes.  I feel good though and my counts are up.  I kind of slept well.  I pulled my sleeping beanie down over my eyes to hide the laser light show that goes off in my room.  Once you turn off the lights you see the green light from the vitals machine that the nurses decided to leave in my room rather outside.  At the end of the bed there is an alternating red and green flash that lights up the entire wall.  Then I turned on my head phones to drown out the noise outside my room.  I love seeing or hearing people enjoy what they do but these techs have got to know we can hear everything in our rooms and laughing and carrying on from 1am to 5am is not cool.  Also, something is periodically "placed" against the wall just outside my room.  From inside my room it sounds more like someone is punching the wall.  This made me jump the first 10 times which causes me pain in certain regions.  My nurse gave me a pain pill for that.  It helped me relax but did not take away the pain.  So between the pill, headphones and beanie eye cover I got 4 good hours of sleep in 2 hour increments.  When I get home I'm going to update my mp3 player with some relaxing sleepy time music.  The most soothing option I had was Alice in Chains.

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