Friday, July 26, 2013

It's been awhile

     We've had a busy week!  We go out in the early afternoon and get home by 7 and I am pooped! Wednesday we met up with our friend Michelle and explored the Henry B Plant museum and had lunch.  It was actually really cool.  Super old hotel that had a bunch of items from around the world.  The couple that created this place had way too much money and time but it really is a neat place full of history.  Definitely worth a visit.

plaque telling of proper etiquette of the time

Look, I go on forever.  I would have moved the vase out of the picture but they don't like you to touch things.

I want one when I have a garden.  They were placed all around the gardens and people sat on them.  Not too comfortable but was anything comfortable back then?

A super cool piano

     Thursday, we drove to St Pete for the day.  We had lunch with with friends and then went to the Holocaust Museum.  We didn't quite get through everything in the 2 hours we had until they closed and they kicked us out.  They had so much information and pieces donated from people that had actually lived it.  It was a perfect day to walk around outside.  Not too sunny, a light breeze.  We went to a coffee shop and later an ice cream shop.  I could definitely spend more time down there.  One of these days we will go back and see the sunken gardens and maybe some other museums.  I'd like to see what is on the pier too. 

     Today, I don't know what we are going to do.  I might find someone to give me a foot massage or go sit by the pool and read for hours.  I do know I have all day to decide :)

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