Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Things I learned today

     Today, I learned I can make delicious pancakes all by myself without making a huge mess.  Almond milk makes tomato soup taste funny and my taste buds do not like it.  White Kraft singles are not as good on a grilled cheese as the yellow ones.  The last thing I learned today...I cook a mean stir fry!

     I have decided that almost everyday I am going to go to Publix to and just get what I need to make dinner.  This may sound crazy to people who make one weekly trip to the grocery store however I have time and need something more to do with it.  Those who know me, which you wouldn't be reading this if you didn't, know I don't cook well.  I'm going to change that.  I was going to learn Spanish but I think cooking might be easier.  I guess I could try to do both.

Anybody have an old Rosetta Stone laying around?


  1. Nice work on the pancakes! And I agree that white Kraft singles are nothing like the yellow. White singles are flavorless in my opinion. Almond milk in tomato soup? Eww. LOL. I was actually thinking this morning of putting Almond milk in my coffee. But skipped out. I will attempt it tomorrow. Better be yummy.

    Spanish is super easy. Do you have record player? ha ha. My dad has an old vinyl record that lets you listen to the sounds with a follow along booklet. Its kind of funny to listen too. Check around your local library website. Some counties have a weblink to a FREE tutorial program. And in many languages. Its worth checking out.

  2. all we had was almond milk. It is yummy in other things...just not tomato soup! I'll check out the library thing. I do not have a record player:)

  3. Hey Megs! I'm trying to get better at cooking too because dinner is just so BORING!! I tried this recipe and it was fabulous. :) Let me know how it turns out if you try it or if you want to share any recipes you enjoyed, I'd love to have more ideas.
