Saturday, July 6, 2013


     Today, we went down to the pool.  I sat in the shade of course and stayed out of the pool.  There were a ton of kids! They were loud and boisterous.  I didn't mind so much though.  I just sat and read my book.  They didn't splash me so we were all good.  They reminded me of when I was a kid.  We had a pool in our backyard and all the kids and cousins would come over.  We were loud and obnoxious too.  We had so much fun!  Jumping off the garage roof into the pool, running around the outside and jumping over the wall (the pool was above ground and round), jumping off the railing, etc.  There was the grumpy old man, Cass, next door.  We were also not allowed to splash mom.  I am now the grumpy old neighbor and lady who does not want to be splashed (I'm less grumpy though...Cass was just an ass).

     I have rediscovered the bubble bath which is quickly becoming one of my favorite "events".  I say event because that is how my life works right now.  Since I no longer have the routine of work, life's pace has slowed way down.  I mark my days by things done outside of the house or some days just off the couch.  Before, a bath would have to be planned into the day.  Not the case anymore.  It takes forever to fill up the tub though but at least we don't run out of hot water before it's done.  I forego the wine at this point.  I'm not trying to cause my liver additional strain...chemo is enough.  I hear Jeremy making something in the kitchen so I may be getting some sort of thinks coconut milk based.  Water is done...peace out!

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