Tuesday, July 30, 2013

attempt #3

     Okay people...mom and I are sitting in the waiting room, waiting for the moment of truth.  If we are a go today my infusion will start at 11am, which means I should be done by 5 or 6pm.  I like that better than 9 or 10pm.  I have some laundry that needs to be done.  Funny how someone with all the time in the world still puts off doing laundry.  It's not that I don't want to do it, I just forget it's there.  I also don't like to do it.  My co-workers can attest to that:/.  There are just so many more important things to do before laundry (at work at least) until we have no blankets or towels for the babies...then it's important.  At home I really don't have anything more important to do so I have no excuse.

     Jeremy and I joined a wellness centre yesterday.  We have not enjoyed it yet and if I get treatment today I won't be able to for 2 days at least.  For 2 days after chemo no one can be in contact with my fluids.  I have to flush the toilet twice.  If I throw up, whoever cleans it has to use gloves.  It's almost like I'm a villain and if you make me mad, I'll spray you with chemo saliva like a viper sprays his venom (I think it's vipers that can do that...been out of the game too long).  I could be a hero and only spray bad people.  Honestly, the only people that make me mad are bad people, but then who am I to judge?  I digress.  The wellness centre.  It has an indoor walking track, an indoor lap pool (salt water) and an indoor hot pool and sauna.  Those are the things this place has that the Y next to our home does not.  It is a further drive but monthly is only $10 more than the Y and I don't have to worry about swimming in the sun.  Plus it's a quieter crowd.  I just hope my doc says it's ok to use the pools and sauna.  They also have a bunch of classes (yoga, tai chi, etc).  For some reason I can not find the motivation to do yoga at home.  Once I am home by myself, getting up to go to the wellness centre will be my job.  The nice thing is I can take my time.  I can spend hours there.  I don't have to worry about rushing to get to work after my workout.  After that, I will work out a plan for dinner and cook a fresh meal.  I feel like one of those new tampa women that don't work outside of the home.  I just drive around in a less expensive car.  When I was working, my day was broken down in hours and depending on the day exercise would get squeezed out.  Get up at 6 to work at 7, get off at 3:30ish and then work out and shower and then figure out dinner.  Unless we had social plans.  In that case the gym gets the axe and I go straight home to clean up and get cute.

     Okay, any minute now the doc is gonna come in...(9:11am)

11:00am...infusion centre is on schedule. It's going to be a good day.

    Yay! We made it.  I get my own room this time.  Usually I'm in an alcove with another person with just a curtain between us.  Last time I was here I met Nate and his mom.  High school kid.  I can't remember what he was in for...I blame the chemo.  So my counts are good.  My liver is good.  We are backing off of the drugs that affect my kidneys.  It will still be effective and serve its purpose but be less taxing on my kidney.  The doc also said I am good to go with the pools and sauna at the gym so that's awesome.

     Alright, time to hunker down and watch some movies.

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