Wednesday, July 10, 2013

by all that is holy, save me from this monster on my plate

I can not identify some of the food items on this plate.  It is a good thing breakfast was normal and I ate a decent amount.  The description of today's lunch would imply that I am looking at meatloaf with gravy, baked potato (I recognized that one), fresh braised greens, wheat roll and gelatin orange creamsicle.

Another thing about moffit that is better...choices! They bring you a menu and you fill out what you want.  You could even write in hamburger or pizza.

The doctor here is going to get in touch with my doctor there to see if he wants them to administer my chemo since I'm here...not going to happen on my watch.  I understand that I am not the only patient here but I have very little trust in a place that loses samples quicker then I can give them, takes 5 hours to get me a dose of miralax and a B vitamin (after talking to 4 different people about it) and doesn't already know my blood type from the 4 other times they have taken it in the past 24 hours.  The nurse just left at 12:58.  He informed me at that time he will need to draw blood for typing because the doctor ordered blood to be given to me (that doc came at 11am to talk to me).  I shall post when he comes back to take blood and when the transfusion starts (which will take 8 hours).

So the chef stopped by to see how everything was going...perfect timing.  I told him I can not have fresh fruit or raw vegetables (my braised greens are cold) and that meatloaf is not my favorite.  Apparently, when the people come to take my tray they are supposed to ask me what I want for my next meal.  My breakfast tray sat here until 12 when they brought in my lunch tray so it was too late to put in an order. This leads me to believe the lunch ladies don't care what food I would prefer to eat.  Tonight, we are having turkey and I am sure it will be covered in gravy just like the meatloaf and the chicken I had for dinner yesterday.  The meat could never stand on its own so the gravy is a must but I don't like gravy.

Another doctor just left...the computers are locked up so they can't do anything with the blood until it's fixed.  They would have had to request the blood type specifically which is a different code than what they did for the labs so that is why they don't already have my type. It is now 1:30.  Still waiting on the miralax and vitamin.  They probably can't do anything with that because the system is locked up.  You just can't trust hospitals to have your best interest in mind.  Am I allowed to walk out?

 5:54 the nurse is going down to get my blood but they have to take a sample of mine to do a culture first. I forgot to watch the time but a few hours ago he came in to get the blood for typing. Still waiting on the miralax. "The guy" finally called him back and its ready. Next time I'll bring that from home.

6:49 blood is up and flowing.  3 hours each, 2 bags...guess I'm not going home tonight.  They didn't really want me to go home anyways.  Where is the money in that.  Still waiting on miralax.


  1. Hello friend! What a crazy mess you are in. Sounds extremely frustrating. The food pic looks revolting... One of the items looked like old spinach pie to me. lol. And that jello slop had me guessing. Sorry you have to deal with all that. Its nonsense. You should have someone sneak you in some outside grub. Something you can recognize. Yuck.

  2. sometimes it seems like your dealing with the three stooges.

  3. sometimes it seems like your dealing with the three stooges.

  4. That food looks absolutely disgusting. You'll lose weight in there whether you want to or not. And not good to do that right now you need your strength. You made me chuckle tho with your comment about Mom also hated the hospital food because the put gravy on everything. They are trying to hide the bad food.
    Hope you get back to the good hospital for whatever is next. hang in there!!!
