Tuesday, July 9, 2013


So spending the night at the hospital.  Just a low grade fever but it's enough to send me to the ER.  Hopefully I will get to go home tomorrow and stay on track with my chemo this week.

So when you walk into the ER you go to one booth to put your name on a list and grab a mask.  They then call you to get your story and vitals.  Then you get another call to go to registration.  After that, you get called to another tech to tell your story again and get a urine sample.  Lastly, you get called to the back where you get a bed.  There are also no signs telling you where all these different booths are.  There seemed to be no order to the madness.

I would have preferred to be at moffit.  So far, my urine sample has been lost and my blood wasn't properly handled so those things had to be redone.  I'm pretty sure they forgot about me outside the ct scan room.  And right now.  The nurse was going to be right in to hook me back up about an hour ago.  Maybe she is waiting until 10 to do my antibiotic as well.  

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