Sunday, July 21, 2013

     Had a nice weekend.  I got to see some friends at trivia on Thursday.  We did not win.  I'm not very good at trivia.  Even if I know the answer, as soon as they ask the question I forget the answer and start over thinking it.  This is the same thing that happens when I take tests...not that I've had any tests to take in the past 10 years.

     Friday, I had a movie night with my friend Krissy.  We watched Warm Bodies.  I never really got into the whole zombie craze and it was a movie I was on the fence about setting.  I highly recommend watching this movie.  It was really good/funny.   Loved it!    

    Saturday was full of errands and then cooking some delicious chicken.  Today, we finally went to a produce stand we always pass when we go to whole foods.  Excellent prices on a variety of produce.  Mom helped me make a delicious dinner.

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