Thursday, October 24, 2013

     Back again.  My appointments started at 10:45am today.  I arrived 10 minutes early just to find out they are an hour behind.  I was directed to the conference room to enjoy a danish and coffee.  I ended up in conversation with one of the volunteers.  It was the normal conversation...what do you have, my husband had this and then we end up on animals.  It was the perfect length because when I got back to blood draw they called my name within a few minutes.  The tech asked if I wanted her to access my port...I held back my laugh so it didn't go right in her face.  By the small chance I do not get chemo today, I would have to wait again to be de-accessed which I thought took forever on Tuesday (so today it would take forever plus one hour).  No thank you!  They are always behind but generally never tell you.  You know it's bad when they are admitting it.

     Since they are behind, everything else gets pushed back.  The specific number my doctor needs takes an hour to get.  I decided to make some cranes before checking in since I know I'll have a wait.  It seemed like I wasted the perfect amount of time again because I got called back right away.  They took my vitals and put me in a room and now I'm waiting. The nurse popped in to say I am 5 points under what they would like me to be at but we are going ahead with treatment and will keep a close eye on me this next week.  Not sure how I feel about that but we will discuss it as soon as the doctor comes in.  I'm next-ish.

     Oh I also got a hat.  People knit hats for the bald people and leave them on tables or in baskets.  I saw one in particular that I thought was of my favourite colour combinations.

     Ok turns out it was just my platelets that were 5 points lower than they like.  That is less of a big deal than wbc.  It is 6:30 and I have about an hour and a half left.  Infusion center was an hour and a half behind.  It's been a bad day for the hospital.  I watched the last Freddy Krueger movie while sitting in the chair.  It is the one with his daughter.  He exploded at the end so it should be the last.  Although, I don't know when Freddy vs Jason came out.  Maybe that was last.

     Jeremy is bringing me dinner :)  I appreciate that they have food here for us as part of treatment but a piece of lunch meat on a roll with some mustard just doesn't cut it for me.

     A big Happy Birthday to my mom today.  Wish I could be there to celebrate.  

happy birthday to Randi too of course.

1 comment:

  1. I wish you could be here also. I miss you so much but I know you are where you need to be. I love the hat colors.They are you. Keep the cranes coming I need one thousand of them..... Love you to the moon and back :)
