Saturday, October 12, 2013

     The enchiladas turned out yummy.  Jeremy was so proud and impressed.  People at his work commented on the leftovers.  Go me.  Now I have to find something else to make.

     Having a great weekend so far.  Met up with Brian and Tatiana yesterday.  Haven't seen them in forever it feels like.  Enjoyed some very yummy wine.  Got this place in trivia Thursday.  Today, J and I saw Gravity.  Holy crap!  The emotional roller coaster was almost too much.

     Today, with the help of my brother Shawn and his wife Melissa, I add sweet baby Logan to my collection of nieces and nephews.  He shall be showered with all kinds of animal related gifts from Auntie M (that's his favourite aunt...he just doesn't know it yet).  I can't wait to meet him but it looks like I will have to.  Fingers crossed I am able to get treatment number 10 on Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. I'm aunt b and you are auntie m. Cute. I always call your mom auntie m so it's perfect! I'll send you a recipe for salt and vinegar crusted cod. So good.
