Tuesday, October 22, 2013


     Last week when I wasn't able to get treatment because of counts, I wasn't surprised.  Today, I was 12 points shy of getting treatment.  Grr!  We are rescheduling for this Thursday.  My plan is to not have my port accessed during labs.  It seems every time I do my counts are too low and treatment gets pushed.  It's a jinx.  So now I'm back downstairs waiting in line to have my port de-accessed.  I got here at 12:45, had 2 appointments (1 and 1:45).  It is now 3 and I can't leave until this thing is removed from my chest.  I asked if I could just keep it in but Cathy said no.   So that's my day so far.

     Earlier today I went to the gym to take a body flow class (combo tai chi, yoga and Pilates).  What I ended up taking was called body attack!  Two very different classes.  I kept up though.  I chose the lower intensity options most of the time but it's better than nothing. Maybe I can get to body flow tomorrow.  The instructor injured herself this morning so we shall see if tomorrow is cancelled as well.

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