Sunday, October 27, 2013

The weather is fine

     This is my favorite time of year.  It is so nice outside!  We went to Busch Gardens today.  By the time we left it was just enough walking around for one day (after treatment...usually I could do more).  I got to see and chat up some missed faces.  We spent a decent amount of time in my area, visiting the critters.  We have 2 new skunks at jambo and some sloths.  I said hello to Harry.  Kamali, the bald eagle, has a full white head now.  We saw the tiger cubs out playing.  There was, of course a bunch of people crowding the window...mostly kids.  I was very surprised that the only person pounding on the glass like an idiot was an adult male.  Seems he could learn a thing or two from the kids...observe quietly!

     Friday and Saturday were a crap shoot.  I felt pretty tired after Thursdays treatment.  They actually decreased the dose of all of my drugs in an attempt to get me back on every two weeks.  The doc said the point of this treatment plan is frequency and going so long in between treatments isn't part of the plan.  He thinks that because I have one kidney, the areas of concern are getting enough exposure and reducing the amount to bring me back on schedule will not lessen the effectiveness of treatment.  So I may be done before the end of the year, but still not soon enough to get home for the holidays or back to work this year.

    Only 4 more to go!


1 comment:

  1. Megan, I was actually just reading a few of your posts and had a quick question about your blog. I was hoping you could email me back when you get the chance, thanks!

