Saturday, October 19, 2013

Been a good week so far

     I went to drag queen bingo on Wednesday night with some friends from work.  It's always nice to get out and hang with friends but it is doubly nice when BINGO is involved.  I did not win anything :(.  It was kind of hard to understand her on the microphone because her voice kept cracking and we showed up late so we didn't quite know where to start.  They make the winners walk around the bar in the center of the restaurant and everyone throws their crumpled up bingo sheet at them.  I like that part.

    Thursday, J and I went to trivia at a local place with a friend.  Again, we did not win but I feel like we were close.  I had two questions right but I second guessed myself.  Well one the answer was Space Jam but all I could think about was Shazaam.

     Friday was a nothing day, but I did get a cook book in the mail (thank to my bonus mom!)  It has a bunch of recipes I am looking forward to trying.  I nailed it last week with the enchiladas but this week I just couldn't come up with anything cool to make.  I made chilli which was meh and spaghetti which Jeremy is not terribly fond of in the first place.

     Tonight we are meeting up with Brian and Tatiana to go to the grand opening of Green Bench.  There will be lots of tasty drinks, food trucks and music.  It's such a good location in St Pete too.  Can't wait!


  1. Sounds like a good time, hope you guys had a blast!

  2. Oh my goodness!! I went to drag queen bingo on Friday!!! That is too too funny. I actually was the first bingo winner. This is the second time I won at drag queen bingo. I won a shirt that say, "If you are looking for trouble, you hit the jackpot." And my mug says, "You don't really blow on it, that's just an expression." (Which is what my first shirt said when I won the first time a few years back.

    Drag queen bingo is so much fun!!
