Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Great weekend

     Saturday was a great day.  Lots of good friends and drinks.  We started out at Southern.  I have to give a shout out to my brother-in-laws rhubarb mead.  It was my favorite one of all of the drinks we tried.  Have to go back before it runs out.  Then it was off to the much anticipated Green Bench.  It absolutely lived up to my expectations.  The wheat was my favorite beer.  Beverages aside, the place is really well put together.  Every aspect was given serious thought and it shows.  The tables, chairs, lighting, decor...if you are visiting Florida, it's a must.  After a few hours we walked to this tiny little box of a place, ordered what turned out to be some delicious cuban food which we took back to Green Bench and enjoyed with another beer.  We hit up cycle brewing before heading home.  I was less impressed with everything.  The beer I had was way too sweet.  It gets the title of my least favorite pumpkin beer of the year (might be my only pumpkin beer of the year though).  Sunday, we had a nice breakfast with more good friends before Shelley had to take off for home.  It still resonates with me that she drove 7 hours after work on Friday (got in about 11pm) and 7 hours Sunday just to spend Saturday with us.  I feel very loved.

    We also had a surprise this weekend...we got to hang out with a kangaroo for a quick minute.  It made me miss work but I was more than happy to hold the little fella.  Who doesn't love a little Joey love!

     I went in this morning for labs.  All my numbers are on board so now I'm just waiting for a bed.  My nurse said they were full but to still go down to admitting.  I go down there and say "I know you guys probably won't get me in today.  I just want to make sure you have me on the list."  The lady behind the desk replies, "We can probably get you in today, what's your name?".  It's like the hand doesn't know what the foot is doing.  Maybe I got that analogy wrong but I have come to expect this.  In fact, I am prepared to not get admitted until Thursday because that has happened before.  My bag is ready in the car so I am ready whenever.  The only thing that would make me mad is getting a call at 8pm or later to come in.  I did not like my treatment starting at midnight, which is what happened last time.  That is not ok with me.  Honestly though, what would be my option? Say no and possibly lose that bed and not know when the next bed would be available.  That would not get me in and out faster.  So I am at their mercy...not a good place to be.

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