Thursday, October 3, 2013

day 2

     Spent most of the day watching the news about the shut down.  I find it mind blowing.  Let me preface by saying I am not political so I am sure I'm not getting all the facts as the media is usually one sided.  However, what I am seeing is pretty shitty.  Here comes a personal belief that has worked very well for me.  If you choose to always do the right thing in every situation, no one can hold it against you and you will have all the confidence you will ever need in life.  Sometimes the right thing isn't what you want or isn't right for someone else, so not every one will respect you for your choices, but if it's right for the situation it's what you should do.  That means no lying, cheating or stealing...It is not that hard.  Can you imagine what kind of world we would be living in if everyone did that...especially the people elected to watch out for us? If I sound righteous I don't apologize.  There is always a choice and only one person has the ultimate decision in the way they conduct themselves.  I would like to tell the world 'choose not to be a shitty person'.  Rant over.

     I recently came back to my room from Arts in Medicine.  They sent a basket of stuff for me to play with over the weekend.  I pulled my chair up to the window in my room to look through the basket, opened my blinds to enjoy the view...

     It's not the best view in the world but at least the sky is blue.

    I also checked with the docs...there is no way to start chemo earlier.  Looks like 2am all week, well for 4 more nights.  It feels like 2 weeks but you make the best of it.  I really have to talk to someone to figure out the system here so next time I'm set up with a more reasonable routine.  


  1. I really do want to come up on that roof top and throw little pebbles at your window tonight, but I'm afraid that might not be acceptable by the authorities there. But seriously, why don't they put a little garden out there...or at least a potted plant for heaven's sake.

  2. I agree, we could do a little dance for you, maybe the ylvis fox dance. Now that is a view. I don't know how you keep your cool, I hate disorganization and lack of empathy. You would think that would be a necessity in any healthcare format.
