Tuesday, October 15, 2013

     No chemo today.  My platelets are not cooperating.  I'll be good next week though.  My white count is at the point where I don't have to worry about fevers, so that's nice.  To me, that means I'm out of the woods for ending up in the ER but I still have to take the extra clean precautions.

     My hair has started growing in again.  Maybe it will stick this time.  Before it was because I had so much time in between treatments.  That is not the case this time so maybe it will continue to grow out.  Really I just want my eye brows and lashes back.  It's hard to be pretty without them.  I know what everyone is going to say but be honest with yourselves...if you were to accidentally shave off an eye brow like in the movies (I'm not sure how that could happen in real life so I refer to the movies) it looks weird and unnatural.    It is so much easier to pull off bald when you have eye hair.

     I find it funny my doc likes to say "you get another week off" when chemo gets pushed back.  In my mind, all of my weeks are off.  I need a short that says "I'd rather be getting chemo".

     On a side note...I would really like some nutella right now.


  1. Remember cutting your eye lashes off in Mr Brauns class?.......

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I do remember that! He used to show home videos of historic places and called it teaching. I can still hear his monotone voice, "and here we are at the grand canyon". I cut my eye brows too. I wonder what anyone watching me would have thought. He turned the lights off so no one probably saw. He would also walk around waking people up too. You can not turn the lights off, show a boring video and speak in a monotone voice and not expect people to fall asleep! Other than that he was a good man.
