Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I'm in

     So I call this morning to admitting and the lady says "I'm surprised they didn't get you in last night".  I don't know how to take that.  Did someone drop the ball yesterday?'s a new day.  The lady says she will call me as soon as she knows something. The earliest people get discharged is noon.  So I don't expect to hear anything until 3.  When 7pm rolls around I call, it goes to a message service where you can't leave a message and then I get hung up on.  30 minutes later I get a call.  She asks if I tried to call...yes I did.  So she saw I called and knew it was me.  Someone just got discharged and it will be an hour to an hour and a half before the room is ready.  I say ok (I'd be getting the room at 8:30).  It's not ideal but I don't want to lose the bed and have to wait for another discharge.  J and I waited until well after 9.  We go upstairs, get settled in, 3 people listen to my lungs and ask a bunch of questions.  The nurse starts accessing my port and ends up having someone come in to finish the job.  It did not go well.  After they finish at 11:30pm, they tell me chemo will start at 2am.  I'm usually pretty easy going but I'm pissed.  I would not have come in had I known this would be the outcome.  I ask why...the nurse says its the pharmacy.  I am so annoyed right now.  The lady in admitting said she made sure that they would be a able to start chemo tonight.  I guess she wasn't wrong.  So what this means is for the next 5 nights chemo starts at 2am.  It will end at 4, if my nurse is on top of her shit.  It's not her fault so I'm not talking it out on her but she can tell I'm upset.  This nurse is new to chemo and ports...the whole shabang.  She called pharmacy to ask what to do about my thiamine pill since I already took it this morning.  It's a vitamin!

     I'm angry.  This post is not going to get any better and I'm probably bringing some people down so I'm just going to stop.  It's certainly not helping me or my attitude.

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