Thursday, October 10, 2013

     So last week I was having lunch with friends and a gentleman comes up to the table thinking he knows me.  I'm gracious and explain I am not the same person and I do not know any of the names of our "mutual acquaintances".  He wished me well and left.  Today, in the grocery store, as I'm walking in some lady yells "didn't I see you at Carabas?".  There was no eye contact, I did not recognize the voice and so ignored it thinking she was talking to someone else.  Our paths cross thirty minutes later and with eye contact she asks again.  I say no, I've never been to that restaurant and continued with my shopping.  Another 10 minutes she is back and says "it was olive garden.  I pointed you out and my husband came over."  Ok now it makes sense...this is the crazy wife of the crazy guy who insisted that I participated in the Live strong program at the Y.  He must not have told her upon returning to his own table at the restaurant that I was not who they thought I was.  So I say I remember without bothering to explain that we are still strangers.  She says I look great, gives me a hug and leaves.  So weird.  Us hairless people must all look alike.  If only I had some stinking eye brows...

     Other than that the last few days have been good.  I'm making enchiladas for the first time tonight.  I do have to go back to the grocery store first though...forgot a few things :/.  might go to trivia tonight.  Maybe bed bath and beyond...


1 comment:

  1. I got such a chuckle out of this story Megan....Thanks! LOL!
