Sunday, August 4, 2013

A nice weekend

     It was a low key weekend which is never really a bad thing.  We did some cleaning on Saturday and some shopping today.  It was tax free weekend here in Florida and I had Kohls cash so I had to go.  I got a cute dress that I hope to wear to Busch gardens soon.  I'll wear anything if it gets me to the garden sooner rather than later.  So much is happening and I miss all the animals.  I also purchased new gym clothes so we could go to the gym today (my first time in months).  I hung out in the hot the hot pool.  I don't enjoy being cold or having chills.  I was not really looking forward to swimming laps in the 80 degree pool.  So I did some water exercises in the hot pool(95 degree) before going into the sauna.  I have no idea what the right exercises to do in the water are so I am going to an aqua class tomorrow morning to learn.

     I saw my brother Ryan's family today through video chat.  Eisley is getting so big and is so cute.  I can't wait to be done with all of this so I can see my niece and nephews and all the rest of the family.  I love seeing the pictures of the kids on Facebook but it will be nice to play with them one on one.

   I also had a nice surprise from the most wonderful man...

baked plantains and vanilla ice cream!  How do I find the motivation to learn to cook when I already have such a good cook at home already.  I feel like I should learn something else to balance the household.  Tomorrow, I will make jambalaya the 'paleo' way.

     Now it is time for bed :)

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