Monday, August 19, 2013

First night went fine.  We got started pretty late.  Something about orders not in order but then they were so chemo started around 11 instead of 9.  Tonight we were able to start at 10.  Hopefully, I'll get some better sleep after we are finished.  I'm in a room on the inside of the hall. It's a bigger room but it doesn't get dark because of the main areas light outside my window.  It's also easier to hear things.  All the hustle and bustle happens outside my door.  The guy that shares my wall has a deep voice and it comes through.  I put a playlist together for sleepy time.  I'm not sure if it helps.  I need different music I think.



  1. Check your gmail account, I've never done that before so fingers crossed it works!!:)

  2. Quietness in the hopsital is always an issue. Too bad you can't request a room :(
