Wednesday, August 7, 2013


     I made a great discovery last night.  I have many, tiny hairs coming in on my head, eye brows and lashes.  I kind of obsessed about losing my lashes and brows.  I even counted my eye brows a few times, keeping track of how many I had left.  Shaving my head when that hair started falling out wasn't a big deal for me.  You still look like a person if you have the hair surrounding your eyes.  When you lose that, you just look weird and then you try to pencil in eye brows and that looks ridiculous.  So with my little bits of eye brows, I can shade in to make them appear fuller until more come in.

     Now one of two things could happen.  I could lose all the little hairs again because I have 7 more treatments to go or I could not lose them and they will continue to grow.  I did have close to 3 weeks off from chemo, so maybe that's why hair has started growing back.  If I do go back to losing hair, at least I know how quickly the hair will grow back.  Taking bets on what colour and texture my new hair will be.  Right now it's peach fuzz, like a baby...very soft.

     Mom left just a little while ago.  She will be flying home with a friend on Friday.  I will miss her and appreciate all she has done for us this year.  I'm doing really well and other than having someone to hang out with all day, I'm able to do everything for myself.  I know everyone at home is looking forward to having her back.  I can't wait to hear what Joey does when he sees her.  Lots of love to you mom :)


  1. I sure hope he hugs her and isn't mad at her! Joey had a haircut today! He is so handsome! I will be praying that the finger doesn't set you your treatments back!! We can't wait to see you!!!! The sooner the better! love ya!!

  2. I need me some Megan time :) And I love the water... do you have to be a member to use the pool? BG misses you too- gotta come see the baby cottonball flamingos!!!

  3. Melissa...So far so good. Finger is healing slowly and no fevers. do have to be a member or interested but I can't do the pool at the moment anyway. We should do a movie night soon!

  4. I miss you already. Joey was so happy to see me he just snuggled into me side with a huge grin. Everybody else is chopped liver now that Gramie is home. Eisley is just beautiful and starting to talk so much.They all miss you both so much.
